Well done
Not bad, not great. Some of them were not very funny at all and some of them were absolutely hilarious.
Ones I didn't like: Rain (meh), Noob (a bit much), Sub Zero (not only are fart jokes not funny, where Jax went is completely a mystery), Scorpion (meh), Sindel (what was that?), Smoke after the ending (if Ketchup and Mustard want to get it on, they can do it off-camera), Liu Kang (so Liu Kang killed himself? What??!), Shang Tsung (fart joke)
Ones I loved: Kung Lao (unexpected), Sektor (although I would've squished the mini-Sektor after), Kitana (probably the one that made me laugh the most), Ermac (poor Scorps), Cyrax (I'm not sure where the Peanut Butter Jelly Cyrax/Jax running gag originated, but you put a nice twist on it here), Smoke before the ending (I don't know where the Smoke stealing things running gag started, but I've always got a big kick out of it)
Basically, I liked some and disliked others. I hope you upload a finished version in the future.